Tuesday, June 17, 2008

True Terror

Since the media can't seem to stop the narcissistic coverage of Tim Russert's highly preventable death, I thought I'd take a look back at a truly terrifying man, who for a short moment in history was the favorite to win the Presidency.

His name is Rudy Giuliani, and he would have been nothing less than a total disaster as President. First off, he's got a slushy-sounding lateral lisp, which strips him of any ethos as soon as he opens his mouth. And when he smiles, he shows way too much upper-teeth, and no upper-lip at all, which gives him something of a horse-face. And when he had all that makeup on for the debates, his eyes got pulled way up and darkened and with his sharp nose and weird ears he looked like the count from Sesame Street.

He was thoroughly repulsive on a few different levels. And yet he still, somehow, ingratiated himself to millions of people, for a little while. The bubble did burst, thank God, but he may not be gone — if McCain wins the Presidency, don't be surprised if you see this evil man in the role of Attorney General or Secretary of Homeland Security. Never in my life have seen a man who should be given less power than Rudy Giuliani; he shouldn't even be allowed to tie his shoelaces.

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