Wednesday, June 18, 2008

That Old Idiot

McCain had a serious edge in the entire Republican nomination process, thanks to five years spent in Southeast Asian agony, which made him invulnerable to focused criticism by his competitors. It was pretty sickening to see how fawningly Huckabee and (especially) Giuliani fell all over themselves to praise McCain, basically just using him as a social stepping stone to look good and respectful and American.

It's too bad, because McCain would be an absolute disaster if he wins the presidency. First of all, he's about 400 years old, and that's far too old to be running a country, especially one in the 21st century. He's so hopelessly out of touch, I don't even know where to start. McCain looks like he's had 4 or 5 facelifts; that or the stress from all those years in a bamboo cage has made his face melt off. He's stiff all over, and looked especially bad when, during the debates, he couldn't hear the questions, and came off as an old dusty bag of bones. Just a senile old man, hungry for war.

When McCain smiles, it's like a large, invisible Geppetto is smearing the lower part of his face open. I can't really blame him for not being able to smile like the rest of us, what with the memories of his tormentors as a constant nightmare. Still, he shouldn't be given a free pass just because he was having his back carved out with a dull spoon while his competitors, first Republican and now Democratic, were smart enough to avoid getting neck-deep in The Shit.

McCain has the particular misfortune of having to go up against a candidate who underscores his severe limitations and strategy. McCain's rhetoric can be encapsulated in the following sentence:

"I'm not great; I'm not even good — I am, however, very, very old."

His entire approach is one of cautious and measured stupidity.

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